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breast augmentation taiwan

The breasts should present a more confident figure of a woman. With different postures, they should show naturally changing beautiful curves and demonstrate breast shape that is even more charming.



The shape of the anatomical silicone gel is flat at top and rounded at bottom, and it is currently the most ergonomic design for Asian. It can avoid the problem that the upper side of the breast is too arched and too fake. By adopting the drop-shaped design, its upper part is thinner and lower part is wider, suitable for Asian who are typically with slimmer figure and narrower breast shape.breast augmentation taiwan It creates a natural breast that has smooth slope on the upper breast and a firm, rounded and plump lower breast. There is no need for massage after the surgery, which can eliminate the pain of postoperative massages. The infill of the anatomical silicone gel is the more viscous and easily shaped silicone gel, the hand feel of which is like the gummy bear. The silicone gel has certain stiffness and is less likely to collapse when standing, and it is also less likely to wavy folds (commonly known as rippling) after breast augmentation. Whether a patient is bothered by her breast size, different shapes for both breasts, innate development, or even the shape change due to breastfeeding, it is possible to rebuild the breast shape that makes the patient confident by using the anatomical silicone gel breast implant surgery.


There are three major types of breast augmentation materials, including saline solution filled breast implant, silicone gel breast implant (cohesive silicone gel breast implant) and autologous fat transfer breast augmentation. When the anatomical silicone gel breast implant (also known as the 410 implant) was first introduced in 1989, it was used for breast cancer reconstruction and butt implant. After a long period of experimental research, it was finally approved by the U.S. FDA in February 2013 for market use. The anatomical silicone gel can improve the rippling issue easily caused by the original round silicone gel breast implant, and it is the safest among all silicone gel implants in the market.


  1. With the new generation of highly cohesive silicone gel infill that is slightly harder than the traditional silicone gel, it can maintain a fixed shape, is not easy to break, and is firmer with a hand feel like a gummy bear.
  2. Created in accordance with the golden ratio of breast shape. The postoperative breast shape is even more natural.
  3. No massage is needed after the surgery, and hand feel would gradually become natural after 3 to 6 months.
  4. It is easier to merge with autologous tissue and is unlikely to form a capsule.



A breast that can be tailor-made and with a 3-dimensional design that is even more ergonomic, it is designed specifically for the body types of Asian. The traditional round silicone gel breast implants only have two parameters: diameter and height (convexity), whereas the anatomical silicone gel breast implants have the two axes of length and width plus the convexity. The 3-dimensional parameter design offers different models to adapt to different breast types and different needs, so as to create a perfect breast shape for the patient.

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eyebag surgery taiwan

With advancing age, orbicularis oculi muscle and eye skin gradually lose elasticity, coupled with the weakening orbital fascia no longer able to well enclose the fat behinds it. As a result, the orbit fat bulges and pushes through the less reinforced septum, leading to the formation of eye bags. In addition to the impact of aging and gravity, staying up late at night and puffy face will make the eye bags look more prominent.

The conjunctiva lines the inside of eyelids. Underneath the conjunctiva lies the orbital fat enclosed by the orbital fascia (orbital septum). Exterior to the orbital fascia are orbicularis oculi muscles and skin. The tear trough ligaments originated from the orbital rim run through the orbicularis oculi muscles and skin and attach them to the orbital rim. The skin above the orbital rim is very thin and has no subcutaneous fat. The orbital fat is held in place by the orbital fascia right under the eyes. eyebag surgery taiwan Eye bags are mostly formed due to aging when the loosing orbital fascia (orbital septum) no longer able to hold the fat in place so the fat bulges forward. It has nothing to do with fat overgrowth. There are two ligaments (namely tear trough ligaments) lying along the tear trough groove and attaching the under-eye skin to the orbital rim. With the process of aging, the orbit undergoes continuous remodeling with resorption of the bone along orbit rim. As a result, the tear trough ligaments that attach the skin tightly to the orbital rim will pull the skin inward, resulting in deeper tear troughs.


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facelift surgery taiwan

(一) Sagging eyebrows and eyelids

It is caused by the loosening forehead tissue, eyebrow depressors and gravity, and the phenomenon of sagging eyebrows is one of the most indicative aging-look issues.


(二) The root cause of frown lines between eyebrows
facelift surgery taiwan There are three depressor muscles between the forehead, brows and the eyes. The excessive activities of these muscles will cause the eyebrows to recess (frown) and sag. These wrinkles makes one look very serious.


(三) The root cause of horizontal wrinkles at the nasal radix
It is caused by excessive activities of nasal radix’s bunny line muscles.


(四) The root cause of the forehead wrinkles
When the sagging upper eyelids comes into contact with the eyelashes or interferes with the eyesight, it would stimulate the contraction of the forehead muscles, and the contraction of the forehead muscles causes the horizontal forehead wrinkles.


(五) The root cause the lower under-eye bags
The aging of the lower under-eye bag is often mistaken for having too much fat. In fact, the sagging lower under-eye bags is caused by the loosen eye ligaments, located inside the orbits, that support the eyeballs, thereby causing the sagging eyeballs to oppress the fat inside the orbits to move downward. When the orbital septum is also loosen and cannot support the weight of the fat, the lower under-eye bags are born. The downward movement of the lower eye fat often results in sunken eyes.


(六) The root cause of tear trough and nasolabial folds
The inner side of the tear trough is the junction of the septal and orbital portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle. On its lower side, there is a ligament called orbital retaining ligament connected from the periosteum to the skin, thereby forming a fixed portion that lifts the lower eyelid from continuing to fall.

When the eyelid falls down, the palatal fat below it would sag. Only this ligament part is sunken in a fixed manner, and this is one of the mechanisms that causes the tear trough. At the bottom of the nasolabial folds, there are also similar ligaments attached to fix them on the skin, and when the malar bone fat above sags and stacks there, it results in nasolabial folds.


(七) The root cause of flesh under the lower jaw
There is a mandibular ligament connecting to the outer skin of the chin, and the cheekbone and cheek fat on top of it happens to stack there.


(八) Sagging cheekbone fat
The superficial musculo-fascial system attached to the bottom of the cheekbone and cheek fat is relatively loose, so it is prone to sagging, causing different degrees of hollowness below the cheekbone.


(九) Double chin and neck bands
The cosmetic effects of the forehead facelift surgery include: 1) Removing forehead wrinkles 2) Adjusting any sagging eyebrows 3) Removing crow’s feet 4) Removing frown lines between brows 5) Correcting asymmetric eyebrow heights

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nose job taiwan

To make the rhinoplasty surgery more perfect, Dr. Yi-Sheng Kao introduced the 3D printing technology into the process of rhinoplasty surgery. It can accurately simulate the nasal status before the surgery and shorten the operation time. Through preoperative 3D imaging simulation and 3D computerized tomography, consumers can have better ideas about the postoperative results. nose job taiwan Dr. Yi-Sheng Kao believes that facial features are in 3D structure, and simply pursuing long and prominent nose no longer meets the trend of modern aesthetics. The most important thing is the facial features being harmonious and natural.” The nasal shape should not only look natural, but also look beautiful and elegant “Through the latest 3D printing technology, we not only pursue perfect postoperative results for rhinoplasty surgeries, but also pursue “the art of balance.” Realizing the coordination of nose and face through the overall designing is the real aesthetic of natural nose.

In the past, during the rhinoplasty (nose-sculpturing) surgeries, physicians would choose fixed models of artificial nasal bones that are made of silicone or Gortex by the manufacturer and close to the length of patients’ noses, sculpture them, and implant them into the nasal dorsum of the patients. However, such implants can never fully fit the surface of nasal bones and cartilage of human, and that is what leads to the subsequent issues of displaced or skewed artificial nasal bones. The 3D design nose-sculpturing surgery aims to create customized artificial nasal bone that can completely fit the patient’s nasal bone and cartilage and solve the issues of problem of displaced or skewed artificial nasal bones entirely. At the moment, this method can only be used to increase the height of the nasal dorsum. As for the nasal tip, we still need to use the autologous tissues of the patient to extend the nasal septum and use autologous cartilage to sculpture the nose tip.

The 3D printing nose-sculpturing surgery is the most advanced technology at present. The surgeon would combine computer tomography with computer 3D simulation. The 3D printing rhinoplasty uses bio-grade materials compatible with human tissues to produce rhinoplasty implants using 3D printing through high-tech and personalized design in accordance with the personal facial conditions. The whole process adopts aseptic operation, and the postoperative results will be more natural as well as more harmonious to the patient’s temperament and facial features, thereby making very suitable for perfectionist.

About Dr. Yi-Sheng Kao

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rhinoplasty taiwan

The “nose” is the outlet of the upper respiratory tract, responsible for the exchange and filtration of air as well as determining the smell. rhinoplasty taiwanIt is located at the middle of our facial features and considered the most prominent part of all facial features. Usually when we talk to others, the eyes of the two parties often stay between the eyes and mouth, so it can be imagined that the nose is often the most representative of personal characteristics of all facial features, and it also impacts of the overall image of the face. Freud even thinks that the nose is strongly related to mind and emotion.

In addition, in the Physiognomy, the nose belongs to the Wealth Palace, which symbolizes the strengths and weaknesses of financial resources and wealth, and the shape of nose wing affects the money opportunity of a person. In ancient India, the nose had always been considered an organ of honor and prestige, so more and more people are seeking to make a “tailored” nose that suits them.

So, what kind of nose is a perfect nose? There are many kinds of modern nose plastic surgeries, and there are a variety of opinions for these surgeries on the internet and magazine advertisements. Rhinoplasty in taiwan The noses of many celebrities are also used as examples of perfect noses, but have you ever wondered why these people’s noses are considered perfect noses? What is the ratio of a perfect nose?

I will explain further separately below:

Eyes and nose should each occupy an appropriate proportion. The ratio of the so-called “relatively ideal nasal shape” in the textbooks is generally about 1/3 of the face length from the glabella to the base of the nasal column. In addition, the length of the nose should be the same as the length from the midline of the mouth to the chin, and the width of the nose wings on two sides of the nose must be 1/5 of the width of the face, and the width of the eyes should be the same as the width of the nose.



While we look at a person from the side (90 degrees), the lowest point of the nasal dorsum should be located at the height of the pupil to the double eyelid. The lowest point should be 0.7 to 1cm away from the corneal section. The ratio of the distance from the lowest point to the nose tip and from the nose tip to the base of the nose wing should be 1:0.67. From the side, we do want to see the nasal column, but we do not want to see too much nasal column. It is best to see the long axis of the nostrils from the side, seeing roughly half of the nostril.

From the front, in addition to the principle of three horizontal and five vertical divisions, the width of the nose wing should basically be within the distance of nasal angle of the eyes. Otherwise, the patient should either consider repairing the nose wings or performing medial canthoplasty. The nostrils should be between 0.6 and 1.0 cm in the reflection of light. Looking at the nostrils from below, the ratio of the nostrils and the nose tip should be 2:1, and the nostrils should look like water droplets sloping outwards.

To sum up all the above conditions for a perfect nasal shape, although surgeries can achieve these proportions as much as possible, creating a perfect nose is not as simple as using a model. In fact, when we evaluate the appearance of the nose, we often have to consider the other parts of the face for an overall feeling. Therefore, there is no “absolute” nasal plastic surgery. Nasal plastic surgery can promote the harmony and symmetry of the entire face, and each person will have nasal shapes that fit their facial characteristics. Discussion with the doctor should be made before the operation, and let the professional plastic surgeon take the skin type, age, and whether or not there was a previous nasal plastic surgery into consideration, then he will create a perfect nose for you.

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